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Self Repot 1

Heck, had you ever felt empty? Empty, like there’s a hole, you consciously aware, that there is something missing in your life, but you can’t describe it, it’s just bugging you.

I don’t know if there’s a scientific terms for this condition, but fuck, it’s really bothering me sometimes. If you think a feeling like this is something you called “loneliness”, I’m not 100% agree with you, because I think loneliness will gone if you are with someone, but this shit, even when you are with someone, it’s still there, like when you hang out with your friends, or maybe having a time together with your relatives, even when you doing stuff with your lovers.

I’m struggling with this shit for a quite sometimes now, like this past 8 years. Other symptom of this feeling that I aware of, I think it goes like this. You do some fun stuff, you felt the joy and the fun in it, but it’s not linger for a long time, the fun and joy you felt only last for a day at the most.

This thing sometimes affecting my mind, when the feeling grew strong sometimes I can’t think clearly, like it’s affecting my decision making. Other time it’s not affecting my mind, but my will to do something or my spirits (honestly I really don’t know), it’s just make me uneasy with my surroundings, like a paranoid person, or completely erased my will to do stuff, so if I’m doing some works when the feeling struck it’s just completely shut me down, I just deserting my work and completely become idle or quiet.

I tried to talk it to some of my friends, but it’s no use, some of them says “you only need a break from what are you doing right now” or “you need a vacation, go went somewhere nice, like a beach or go camping somewhere”. I tried, really, but it’s doesn’t work.

My other friends suggesting that I maybe lack of something to achieve, “make a short term resolution for yourself” or “set a goals for yourself, and try to achieve it in shortest time possible”. Fuck, I do that shit too, but it didn’t work.

And the one that bothering me the most, this feeling is affecting my sleep cycle and sleep time. Most of my night is spent for thinking “heck what’s wrong with me, what’s missing?”. It’s driving me crazy, and when I’m tired after thinking about it, I just fell asleep. But the problem is when I’m fell asleep because the exhaustion it’s usually around 4 or 5 a.m. in the morning. It’s consuming me little by little.

Like this blog post, I’m doing this when the feeling is on a full swing, that’s why I’m doing this blog post in English and the writing quality is lousy.

Heck I’m confused, scared, empty, and uneasy at the same time.