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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2019

Re-Imagining My Country in the Ideal Ways

Hello my name is Sammy, I wanna tell you something, something very special for me, something great, I wanna tell you about my country. The Republic of Inverted. You know my country is a nation with numerous islands, 33.000 or more to be exact, most of it is unhabitabe, but my country had a 5 major land masses, and plenty mid-sized land masses that are habitable and flourish with city or county. We lived happily in this nation, we never had a food shortage, we never imported any crucial food source, our government very kind, care, and concern towards its people, so the government giving us a free education, rights to deciding our religion and how we serve to our religion, the other religion always caring towards each other, especially the majority religion, they always encouraging and protecting the other religion and never banned or disturb other religion activity. Oh yeah about the government, because they care about us, they taking care the less fortunate people, the govern...

The Vespa I called “Batman”

For some of us, usually, when we got something for the first time its hold dome special value or meaning for our self, either first kiss, first girlfriend, first job, achieving our first dream, and so on. That thing leaving a special feeling within ourselves and sometimes even when that thing is not very pleasing to us it’s still hold a special value within ourselves. This is a story about that feeling, about something valuable to me, about my first scooter. About a Vespa that always broken, but I loved it very much. Vespa is quite popular among high school student in Indonesia, whether it’s the modern type Vespa, or the older model. My Vespa is kind of special, my Vespa is the mark of the transition from old school manual transmission Vespa toward the newer kind of Vespa with automatic transmission in Indonesia and it’s the first kind of automatic transmission motorcycle in Indonesia. The model of my Vespa is called “Corsa”, it’s not quite automatic but it’s not a m...

Minuman Tongkrongan Proletar

Gua disclaimer dulu ye, kalo misalnya lu baca tulisan ini dan nanti lu ngerasa gak kaya tulisan gua sebelum – sebelumnya wajarin aja ye, hehehehe. Gua nulis ini di blog ini buat portofolio juga soalnya, ahahahha. Jadi kalau lu kedepannya nemu tulisan yang agak aneh, anggap aja itu gua lagi bikin portofolio gaya penulisan, ahahahahah. Sebagai orang yang tumbuh dari kalangan menengah agak ke bawah, gua menemukan banyak hal atau budaya yang terkadang gak lu temuin di demografi sosial lain. Kita ambil contoh satu nih, misalnya kegiatan nongkrong. Nongkrong disini dalam artian berkumpul bersama teman sebaya (biasanya dari satu sekolahan yang sama walau tidak selalu) di sebuah lokasi yang dijadikan tempat singgah (bisa warung, taman, halte, emperan toko, dsb). Gampanganya tempat ngumpul dan bercanda yang biasanya diluar sekolah, minimal lu bisa ngerokok disitu deh kalo zaman gua, tanpa perlu pusing dengan aturan sekolah. A Nu Cheeki Breeki Iv Damke! Nah biasanya nih, keg...