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Re-Imagining My Country in the Ideal Ways

Hello my name is Sammy, I wanna tell you something, something very special for me, something great, I wanna tell you about my country. The Republic of Inverted.

You know my country is a nation with numerous islands, 33.000 or more to be exact, most of it is unhabitabe, but my country had a 5 major land masses, and plenty mid-sized land masses that are habitable and flourish with city or county. We lived happily in this nation, we never had a food shortage, we never imported any crucial food source, our government very kind, care, and concern towards its people, so the government giving us a free education, rights to deciding our religion and how we serve to our religion, the other religion always caring towards each other, especially the majority religion, they always encouraging and protecting the other religion and never banned or disturb other religion activity. Oh yeah about the government, because they care about us, they taking care the less fortunate people, the government giving the less fortunate a workshop and courses so they can sustained their self in the future, not only that, if the less fortunate people had a breakthrough idea and can explained it very well using a business proposal and presentation the government will help the idea with all they had, so the person with the idea didn’t had to stressed thinking about some point of starting a business, because the government will gladly helping their citizen with their business.

Like I said before, because the government and is very kind, concern, and care towards it’s people, thus relation making the people respected the government too, because they always listening the suggestion, critique, and always making the law/constitution that helping the people, protecting the people rights either it’s for individual protection or the bigger masses, and for solving the people problem. There is no one left behind in this country, why? Because everyone in this country, 99.9% to be exact, had a bachelor degree, and all the universities in this country ranked in top 100 universities in the world. Education from the very basic form like kindergarten until university is free in my country, not only that the people is not lazy, they had an awareness that education is so important for them self, so every people attending education until university in my country because of the self-awareness and because the education is given free for them by the government. Not only the education, health care in this country in free, the government covering the health expense for their people, even when you only had a flu, or cancer, the government will cover it for you, in all area, either you in countryside, middle of nowhere, or middle of the capital.

The government in this country is very clean, maybe they came from different political party, but when they gather in the legislative, executive, or adjudicative body, they only had one purposes, how can they help this country citizen more happy and self-sustained, they never had a meaningless meeting discussing something not so important for the people or something that benefiting their self, because of that the government is never had a corruption case, the politician never had a problem or trying to be corrupt, my country is the most clean, so we don’t need some independent body that focusing on fighting against corruption.

There is no underdeveloped area in my country, all the area in my country already had a stabilized electrical supply, clean water, waste management, and connected to the internet. So every people in my country even when they live in the middle of the mountain had a same access for a good living and accessibility for information, not only that the infrastructure in my country is already connected, there is no unreachable area, when the area had people living on it, the government building the access for the people to went to the nearest city, a well build road is a minimum, so car, motorcycle, or truck can pass to deliver food supplies or the people can commute to the nearest city to do business.

Indeed the people and the government is caring for each other, but they also honor your private matters, the people never bother to dealing with other people private business, they only dealing with other people business when there is something wrong with it, like a domestic abuse, or violence, or violation of human rights, the other people will gladly and willingly to help the victim, not only that those things can make the perpetrators severely punished even sometime they given the death penalty or for live sentence but this only given to the special cases only like rape, murder, or banning/disturbing other people when they doing their religious ritual. Everyone is caring for everyone but there is a border between a private matter and public matter, and the people in my country never wanted to dealing with other private matters if they didn’t asked to.

I think that can sums up how beautiful my country, I will gladly telling you another stories from my country in the future.